(+47) 909 50797

BenAas Eiendom as have available rental units in Salangsverket Næringspark

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Do you need:

- Office space
- Factory space
- Storage space
- Industry space
- Workshop space
- Space for Winter storage

- Space for Summer storage
- Space for a Datacentre or Datastorage
- Moving home and need to store furniture
- Temporary storage space outdoor or indoor

Contact Us

Looking for Winterstorage space ?


benaas eiendom 10 aar jubileum

BenAas Eiendom continues to offer winterstorage


We will again offer spaces for winter storage for the upcoming winter

Prices and conditions can be found here.

We therefore ask old and new customers to contact us to book your space. We will allocate spaces on a "first come - first served" basis.

Alternatively call Gaute on +47 909 50797


New rule regarding winterstorage from 2020


NB! Every year we unfortunately experience that someone is a 'noshow', and we have therefore ended up with unwanted vacancy. From 2020 we therefore introduced the following rule:

If you order a space for winterstorage, but do not arrive within 30. September, then you need to prepay for the space if you want us to keep reserving the space for you.

Without exceptions, all empty spaces not paid for, will be allocated to people on the waitinglist from the 1. october.